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“Oh, my god! I’m not really dead-am I? I mean, my body is dead-I can see its below me-but I’m floating…I can look down and see my body lying flat in the hospital bed. Everyone around me thinks I’m dead, but I’m not. I want to shout, hey I’m not really dead! This is so incredible…the nurses are pulling a sheet over my head…people I know are crying. I’m supposed to be dead, but I’m still alive! It’s strange because my body is absolutely dead while I’m moving around it from above. I’m alive!“
These words are spoken by a man in deep hypnosis, reliving a death experience. His words come out in short, excited bursts and are full of awe, as he sees and feels what it is like to be a spirit newly separated from a physical body.” p7 “Journey of Souls” Dr. Michael Newton.

What happens when you die?
Who is there to greet you on the other side?
Do we all have a soulmate?
What happens to “bad” souls?
By the way, where do our Guides fit into all this?!
All this and much more is explained in the phenomenal book “Journey of Souls” by Dr. Michael Newton Ph.D. and it’s sequel “Destiny of Souls”.
This book changed my life! I only say that about a handful of books out of the thousands that I have read.
“Journey of Souls” put the pieces of the puzzle into place for me. The things I knew on an intuitive level, were all put into a framework that made complete logical sense.
It brought me peace and made me much less afraid of death.
As a hypnotherapist, Dr Newton uses an evidence-based approach. He applies healthy skepticism and logic to his esoteric topic.
Newton stumbled across “Life Between Lives” Hypnotherapy when one of his clients spontaneously regressed to after their death. They described moving, as spirit, to ‘the other side’. Describing in detail the place and time souls occupy between lives.
As more and more clients were regressed, a comprehensive and congruent picture emerged. The questions about why we choose our incarnations, how we choose them and what we do in between, and with whom, were answered. The thousands of clients, all ages, nationalities, backgrounds were united in their detailed descriptions.
The book takes us through the sequence of events, from the time the soul departs the body to “Homecoming”, Orientation, Placement and eventually Life Selection. The latter, in preparation for the next incarnation on Earth.
Told through the eyes of the souls of his clients; some beginner souls, others intermediate and advanced, this compelling account of life on the other side will blow your mind open. Even as your heart recognizes it’s the truth.
Reading how souls interpret the trials and tribulations of earthly life can provide perspective on the problems you are facing and help you heal.
“Journey of Souls” puts to rest the age-old question of whether or not soulmates exist.
We do have a primary soulmate! They incarnate with us over thousands of lifetimes. We also have primary soul clusters. We are closely united with them for eternity. Here on earth and on the other side.
“These tightly-knit clusters are often composed of like-minded souls with common objectives which they continually work out with each other. Usually, they choose lives together as relatives and close friends during their incarnations on Earth.”p88 “Journey of Souls” Dr. Michael Newton

In preparation for his next incarnation, a regressed client described a spiritual recognition class he attends. The purpose of which is to reinforce certain promptings that will help him recognize his soulmate on earth.
“S: When we meet, her laugh is going to…sound like tiny bells…chimes…I really can’t describe it to you. Then, the scent of her perfume when we first dance…a familiar fragrance…her eyes.”
It’s an old saying that the eyes are the windows to our soul. No physical attribute has more impact when soulmates meet on Earth.” p257″Journey Of Souls” Dr. Michael Newton Ph.D
Reading the language of souls, people using their soul names and viewing things from a higher perspective, is a real clarion call to the readers’ soul.
This book will make you feel closer to your spiritual self, your loved ones, God and even, weirdly, that really annoying person in your life. Nothing will ever look the same again!
It’s every person’s responsibility to try and understand life. To seek answers so they can live their highest truth. Doing the soul’s work requires it of you! The bonus is understanding brings peace and direction.
“Souls search for self-expression by developing different aspects of their character. By surviving different challenges our soul identity is strengthened…Sometimes one of the most important lessons is to learn to just let go of the past.” p230 “Journey of Souls” Dr. Michael Newton
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