Do you want to manifest more success? Abundance or love in your life?
Raising your vibration increases your happiness and your ability to actualize your goals!
You are already a master at manifesting!!
That’s right! You have had a hand in manifesting most of the good and bad things that have happened to you, your whole life! The kicker is you’ve done it without realizing it.
Your thoughts and your vibrational energy level are bringing things to you right now!
The way the Law of Attraction works is that whatever you think about, believe or feel (positive or negative) is what you draw to you.
If you are thinking about something you don’t want to happen and you are holding a fear vibration about it, then, unless you raise your vibration and change your thoughts quickly, you will bring it into your life.
EEEK! It might be worth figuring this whole ‘Law of Attraction’ thing out then, doncha think?!
Watching your thoughts is not as easy as it sounds. With practice, it can become second nature. Once you see how vital your thinking is, not only to your well being but to what you are creating, you can catch yourself when catastrophizing. Reframe your negative self-talk and gently bring yourself back to the present. Consciously choose to think of the situation differently.
The ripple effect will be feeling happier now and not creating the things of which you are afraid. Set yourself up for manifesting success with mental discipline!
So tip #1 for raising your vibration is to become aware of your thoughts and then think of 5 things you are grateful for, to instantly elevate your vibration to love and above.
If you are new to energy work and vibrational levels, David R Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. explains in his groundbreaking book on the subject, Power vs. Force:
“The ability to differentiate between high-and-low- energy patterns is a matter of perception and discrimination that most of us learn by painful trial and error. Failure, suffering and eventual sickness result from the influence of weak patterns, in contrast, success, happiness and health proceed from powerful attractor patterns.”
Dr. Hawkins calibrated the various emotional energies in his research. He found the balance point calibrated at 200 with courage.
“All attitudes, thoughts, feelings, associations, entities, or historical figures below that level of calibration make a person go weak. Attitudes, thoughts, feelings, associations, entities, or historical figures that calibrate higher make subjects go strong.” Power vs. Force David R Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D

Dr. Hawkins provides a comprehensive list within his book of powerful (positive) patterns and their negative counterparts, eg. Abundant…Excessive
Knowing the positive counterpart to any negative feeling or thought can help you instantly switch to the higher vibrational one.
He also goes into depth about the various levels of consciousness. Love and above being the optimum state for humanity, vibrationally.
If you are interested in learning more about the levels of emotional energy, I highly recommend reading Dr. Hawkins’ book. I own the Kindle version.
I attribute what I learned about raising my vibration with being a primary factor in helping me manifest my soulmate relatrionship, as I wrote in 5 Simple Steps to Manifesting Your Life Partner: Featuring the work of Marisa Peer, Alison Armstrong, and Christie Marie Sheldon
. You have to match your soulmate’s frequency to be able to draw them into your life. For more on that check out my post HOW I MANIFESTED MY DREAM LIFE WITH THE LAW OF ATTRACTION!
Tip #2 Ambient Music
Music has long been known to alter our emotional states. If you can, turn any other background noise off and put some new age music or soothing nature sounds on. If you have a favorite song that instantly lifts your mood, pop that on. Sing along or crank it up loud, if that’s going to make you feel the most joy!
If you want an energy injection, turn the dance music up and let the beats boost your vibe. If you’re feeling frazzled or overwhelmed, Native American sounds and their calming influence will be the better way to raise your vibration.
Feel for what’s best for you in the moment. My favorite way to gently lift my vibration is listening to dolphin sounds set to ambient music in Way of the Dolphin by Medwyn Goodall . It brings me a real sense of peace and the feeling of connectedness to my soul. All his music is transcendent and soothing, if you haven’t heard it before, have a look on Youtube. You will be more relaxed and centered from the first notes.
Tip #3 Gift Yourself
Right now, right this very second, what treat could you give yourself?
I’m sitting at my computer at home so I could get up and make myself a hot, white chocolate drink.
I could promise to buy myself flowers when I go shopping afterward. (The firm intention and anticipation will elevate my vibrational level now and following through later will increase it again.)
Do you give yourself gifts often, without reason? What can you give yourself right now? A ten-minute break from what you are doing, to sit and have a cuppa? Book a massage for next week?
I love buying flowers. Ring a friend for a chat whatever springs to mind. Your soul knows what will raise your vibration.
I’d love to hear what you came up with.
Tip #4 Acknowledge a Darkness or Admit a Truth
This one may seem counter-intuitive, but unless you’ve already delved into all your hidden hurts, unspoken grievances could be keeping you down.
I have found that where the greatest feeling of love is, can also be the greatest fear, resentment even hatred.
Our world, by nature, is a paradox.
When I was younger, I tried so hard only to be positive. To just feel love and show love and be love.
I tried so, so hard and I learned that the way to really feeling positive, is through acknowledging fear and pain and moving through it.
Align those “bad” feelings and events through consciousness and forgiveness. Skipping over them or pretending your’e fine, when you aren’t, doesn’t work. Love is effortless only light has illuminated all our shadows.
For example, someone I loved hurt me very deeply. As a spiritual person I tried to be forgiving and understanding straight away, but the anger would leak out. I’d repress it and try and be nice, and then I’d end up snapping at the wrong person.
The idea of allowing myself to feel hatred, or even extreme negativity, felt so wrong to me. It wasn’t until I allowed myself to really hate the person that I loved, for hurting me, that I healed.
All the pain, fear, anger and revenge feelings dissapated as I set them free. I lay on my bed and let the negativity fill my being. I cried tears of pure loathing and swam in my despair.
After about twenty minutes, the horrible emotions began to lessen. I had no more tears to cry and was too tired to be angry.
Over the next few days, I found myself feeling genuine forgiveness, real acceptance and, ironically, more love, for the person than before. As I was behaving differently towaqrds them, they shifted too. Our relationship improved significantly.
The magic of transformation is that, if you shift, other people can’t help but either change with you or leave your life. We are magnets. If the energy vibration becomes too different between people, then we become magnets that repel each other.
Is someone difficult in your life? Please know that, if you stay on your spiritual path and keep growing in your authenticity, then that person will have no choice but to level up or be removed from your energy field. It is that simple. It’s the Law of Attraction.
I prefer ugly truths to pretty lies because the truth will set you free. How can you set yourself a little more free today? Is there a part of yourself that you are not honoring? Or anything you’re pretending not to see? Could that be getting in the way of your success and happiness?
Tip #5 Stop and Smell the Flowers- Literally
Our sense of smell is intricately linked to our memories and feelings. I just recently bought myself a bottle of perfume that I haven’t worn for 20 years.
I’ve been really missing my parents, who have both, sadly, passed away. I’m feeling overwhelmingly nostalgic for the things of my childhood and early adulthood. Buying the perfume, I used to wear when I still lived at home with my parents, so the smell can remind me, in particular, of my late mother. She always wore Estee Lauder’s Private Collection, and the first perfumes she ever bought for me were Estee’s Pleasures and White Linen.
Having this scent on, bringing my parents closer with it, raises my vibration.
Is there a smell that you adore?
What is the scent of your happiest memory?
Create a new association with incense and soothing music. Every time you hear those sounds accompanied by that aroma, it will signals to your being that you value yourself: practice self-care and self-love.
It is the most profound way to raise your vibration and have it stay at the highest levels.
Finally, the closer you come to your most genuinely joyous, content self, the closer you are to your higher self or soul.
Raising your vibration not only helps you, but it also helps increase the collective vibration of humanity and the planet.
We are moving towards an age of enlightenment. Each of us has a role to play within that.
How brilliant is it that the answers all lie within our bliss and our passions?!
I hope after reading this, you start prioritizing your self-care rituals. Look how powerful you really are!
This post was proofread by Grammarly
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