Do you believe in signs from the Universe?
Do you wish you could understand them better?
In my post, 6 Signs From The Universe And How Top Decipher The Messages I described how the Universe tries to gets messages to you through songs, number sequences, or angel numbers as I call them, dreams, hunches and more.
Now I’d like to share three HIGH FIVES the Universe gives us and three ways it signals that you’re OFF TRACK!
Universal High Five #1
Free car parking spaces! I kid you not!
Green traffic lights and easy to find car parks are a sign that you are moving with flow!
Some people call it Chi energy, but when you are in alignment with your highest self and what the Universe has designed for you, things flow smoothly.
Your car, like your body, is a symbol of how you are moving through life and your direction in it. It stands to reason then that assisting your ability to move freely and easily along your path is an excellent way for Spirit to high five you.
You know how magical it feels when someone pulls out of a space just as you arrive in a busy shopping center car park!
How big of a buzz is it when every light is green on your way home?!
You didn’t think that was coincidence, did you?
Off Track Alert #1
No surprise then that car problems are the number 1 way the Universe lets you know that something isn’t right!
Whether it’s choices that you’re making about the future or what’s going on in your life at the moment, something is amiss when you have more than one thing go wrong with your car in less than a month.
It could be as simple as being afraid of the future or of change, which happened to a friend of mine recently.
Just as she was preparing for a significant promotion, which required moving house, my buddies’ car started making noises. The back window wouldn’t go up any more, and the battery disconnected itself a couple of times.
Even though the new home is more beautiful with water views, my friend hates moving house so much that she was raining on her own parade. Consumed with stress even though this was the culmination of all her dreams for her family. The Universe reflected to her that she was impeding the ease of the move with her groundless fears.
The happy ending to the story is that the move went smoothly. My friend is happy as a clam in her new place, and they have even upgraded their car!
Getting a new car is often symbolic of having reached a new level in your life or a new way of being in the world. It doesn’t have to be brand new or expensive to symbolize this new direction.
High Five #2
I know that I am meant to be blogging.
Do you want to know why?
It’s not for page views, followers, Pinterest views or affiliate sales though I thrill to all those things because I love blogging so much!
Two things let me know that the Universe 100% supports my choice to be a blogger.
The first is the way it makes me feel which is a combination of profound peace and the giddy, waking-up-Christmas-morning feeling. When you are with the right person or in the right place or job, it feels like home.
Though it’s challenging and there is more to learn than I ever anticipated, blogging is an absolute joy for me. More than I expected it to be. With the community aspect of blogging and the daily reader engagement, it is even more fun than writing my book, 5 Simple Steps to Manifesting Your Life Partner: Featuring the work of Marisa Peer, Alison Armstrong and Christie Marie Sheldon
” was, and that was the exciting actualization of a lifelong dream!
The way I know the Universe supports me doing it is, it places stepping stones down where I next need to step. Those stones are the teachers whose messages have been precisely what I needed to hear in the moment.
Like magic, I will come across a podcast, a Pinterest Pin, an article, an advertisement and they will spark something. I will have the crucial piece of information I needed for my next move, and it will feel sure-footed.
That feeling is what we all strive for! Not money, social media stats or keeping up with the Joneses.
We all want to feel a real purpose. Authentic, soul driven, right action. How many of you dream of being paid to do what you feel called to do?
What do you think the Universe is saying to you about following your bliss?
Off Track #2
Warning! Things can get rough!
I always say that the Universe whispers in your ear. If you don’t listen, it will tap you on the shoulder. If you still don’t hear it will hit you upside the head with a baseball bat!
You will get the message! No one is left behind, and no one can avoid their lessons whether it is in this life or the next.
I have a beautiful friend. Heartbreak has caused her to be a bit aimless. She surrounds herself with other members of the Lonely Hearts Club, and they sit around drinking too much and talking endlessly about their hopeless relationships.
Harsh, but we all know people like that. Trapped in their own misery, repeating the same old patterns. What’s so evident to the people that love them, they are oblivious to — destructive addictions, negative thinking, lack of direction or ambition, not enough self-love.
When someone is stuck, the Universe gets loud!
The Law of Attraction dictates that when your choices are fear-based or lack self-love, you will draw experiences to you that reflect that. In recent times, my beautiful friend has had a string of bad experiences with people. Strangers are rude to her, her own friends randomly treat her badly, and even the comedian at a show heckled her and then told her to eff off at the end of the night!
The Universe is trying to get her to stop wasting time seeking vacuous comfort outside of herself. It’s urging her to go within, rebuild and make choices that reflect the beautiful, intelligent and talented person she is.
I lose my flow when I don’t get time to regenerate and regroup through solitude. As a clairsentient empath, I feel everyone’s emotions and energy. I’m a mother of 2 and stepmother of 2 more, plus my man is an absolute handful. After an overly busy weekend, I can feel like I’m energetically sunburnt, raw and not the littlest bit edgy, I hate to admit.
It takes me some quiet time to myself to align my energy and shake off the low vibrations of overwhelm. Without it, I end up bumping my head on the car roof or leg on the couch. Stepping on something sharp. I drop things, break things.
Luckily those are quite gentle ways to be shown when you are out of alignment.
Staying out of alignment too long can result in accidents and injury. Not as punishment but as a form of spiritual assistance.
Someone very dear to me grew exponentially as a person and let go of unhealthy habits after she broke her foot and was laid up for weeks.
I’ve heard many stories of people experiencing significant mindset changes after being medically bedridden. I’m sure we can all agree, we’d rather it didn’t come to that.
Is there anywhere you feel a whisper, tap or slap from the Universe?
High Five #3
The Universe is gloriously abundant! When you are in flow, it’s like a cork has popped and treasures rain down on you!
Not just monetarily but gifts come to you in all different ways. Compliments, lucky breaks, opportunities but yes, also in windfalls and receiving things that you need.
Genuine self-love is the bridge. I know that sounds cliche, but it is the key to all of it.
The Law of Attraction will treat you as you treat yourself. Sincerely. If good things are coming to you, congratulations on your ability to receive and love yourself.
Sadly, it is the hardest thing in the world for people to do and one of the primary lessons in this life to learn.
Off Track #3
I’m sure you’re seeing the pattern by now.
Instead of pressies, you will get speeding fines, parking tickets, and unexpected bills that you haven’t budgeted for!
Life is never going to be easy; it’s designed to be a school room that teaches us growth. We are infinite beings of love trapped in vulnerable bodies filled with conflicting emotion. Even the most spiritually evolved people wouldn’t describe the earthly experience as a cake walk.
It is possible to have a predominantly joyous life, however. Filled with loved ones and the comforts of the world. Adventure, travel and meaningful endeavors are available to us.
If things aren’t working for you on some level, then there is something you are doing wrong. Not in a dogmatic religious way, not sinful. Just not actualizing your highest vision for yourself.
Are you in a relationship that undermines you? Do you overextend for others and leave yourself short? Is there ego, greed or superficiality in your choices? Are you striving to be successful for the wrong reasons? It’s ok that we are imperfect and have our human vices and flaws. We are meant to evolve from them though.
I’m fortunate because the Universe won’t let me be an arsehole. If ever I’m acting like one, it comes down on me like a tonne of bricks, straight away. No whisper, no tap, just bam! I get the message and gratefully return to my better self.
I have been all the ugly things. Egotistical, insecure, self-loathing, arrogant. Of course, I have. Even now I get angrier than I would like sometimes. Thankfully Spirit helps me align my ego.
It helps me every day. I make all my choices based on the guidance I get from my connection to the Divine. Nowadays, it can point me in the right direction subtly with angel numbers as I detailed in 6 Signs.
If you let it, the Universe will help you! Listen and look for the signs then be brave enough to take stock and hold yourself accountable. The signs will lead you to where your soul longs to go, to the people, places, and experiences that will ultimately fulfill you.
If you are interested in learning the angel number meanings and how to interpret the daily guidance the Universe is offering you, through them click here for details.
This post was proofread by Grammarly
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