It’s a tiny word with an enormous impact!
Did you realize that the fulfillment of your dreams depends on it?
Here’s why!
The Law of Attraction dictates that like attracts like.
We manifest our wishes by matching our energetic vibration to the one we would have if they came true.
To do so we set powerful intentions, clear our limiting beliefs, follow inspired action and trust that our goals will be achieved within perfect divine timing.
My previous posts:
How I Manifested My Dream Life With The Law Of Attraction!
5 Ways You can Raise Your Vibration And Manifest Success Right Now!
How To Create A Powerful Digital Vision Board!
How To Make 2019 Your Best Year Yet With The Law of Attraction
cover techniques and exercises that will help you to manifest your dream life with the Law of Attraction.
They are about the things you say YES to!
‘YES’ to believing in yourself!
‘ABSOLUTELY’ to self-love! It’s the foundation for leveling up your ability to create more abundance in your life!
‘SIGN ME UP’ to opportunities that present themselves, once your intentions have been set!
‘DAMN STRAIGHT’ to hunches!
‘YEP’ to guided action!
‘100%’ to affirmations, Digital Vision Boards, uplifting people, inspiring words, beautiful music, all things that make you feel happy and raise your vibration!
Like Meg Ryan in ‘When Harry Met Sally”, YES, YES, YES!
‘No’ is just as important.
What you say ‘no’ to communicates, energetically, equally to the Universe and the Law of Attraction as your positive, forward-thinking does.
If you don’t say ‘no’ to certain things you will negate all of the above affirmatives.
Healthy boundaries and removing anything that brings you down emotionally, financially, physically and energetically is vital.
Communicating to the Universe your self-respect by practicing extreme self-care is the fastest way to manifest anything!
Are there energy vampires in your life? People, who talk mostly about themselves and their problems? Those that you walk away from feeling a little flatter for the exchange?
You must limit the amount of time and energy you give to people like that if you want to increase your joy, abundance, and success with the Law of Attraction. It’s just that simple.
Your time is precious! Your energy is valuable. Treat yourself as the priceless resource that you are!
If you want to manifest your soulmate relationship you have to say NO to
*time wasting, players
*people who don’t text back for days
*Netflix and chill in place of a proper date
You also have to say NO to rushing into things, projecting onto people, pretending to be someone you’re not or wanting them to like you even if you aren’t interested in them!
To find my soulmate, I had to let go of, and say ‘no’ to, unrequited love and false hope, as I describe in my book
5 Simple Steps to Manifesting Your Life Partner: Featuring the work of Marisa Peer, Alison Armstrong and Christie Marie Sheldon
If greater abundance is your goal, be like Air Traffic Control in the movie Top Gun and say “Negative Ghost Rider!” to gambling, poverty-thinking and limiting beliefs.
You can’t waste time on projects that don’t move you forward or enhance your life. Stop checking social media incessantly.
Likewise in manifesting success. Your time has to be treated as being as valuable as your money. So a big nein, niet, nahi, voch, non to timewasters of any description.
Here’s a quick list of other things that will impede the ability of the Law of Attraction to bring you the good stuff:
*people pleasing, where you aren’t being true to yourself
* criticizing versus discerning
*negative thinking
*unhealthy habits
*lying, cheating, stealing
*not meaning what you say or saying what you mean
*being unclear about what you want to create
That which is lacking integrity, positivity or clarity is a big no-no!
Like me, I bet you prefer positivity and saying yes rather than being “mean” or “negative” and saying no.
We need to look at the beauty in radical self-care and the power in our ability to protect ourselves and model it to our children and loved ones.
Say yes to NO!
As a final thought, be aware that as you grow personally, and in business, there will be things that you used to be ok with that you are no longer able to tolerate.
Lady Gaga was quoted as saying that learning how to say no saved her mental health. The more successful she became, the less she wanted to endorse things that were meaningless to her, like her perfumes. She no longer wanted to be used to make money for other people and she didn’t want to be a slave to her success.
Is there a ‘No’ you need to say today that will make more room for the things you really want in your life?
This post was proofread by Grammarly
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