Being late to the party is better than not turning up at all, right? I’ve just discovered Marie Kondo and the KonMari Method of tidying up, thanks to Netflix.
Wow! Just wow!
The KonMari method not only makes tidying up fun (HUH?!), inspires kids to clean their own rooms and take ownership of their belongings (DOUBLE HUH?!) BUT it can raise your vibration and help you manifest your dream life with the Law of Attraction!!
As a Law of Attraction and manifestation teacher, and blogger, I couldn’t be more excited about this surprising bonus that the Kon Mari method can provide to people, and myself!
What Is The KonMari Method of Tidying Up?
Marie Kondo is a gorgeous, soft-spoken Japanese lady who has made tidying up not only an art form but a spiritual experience.
Her book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing
has become a phenomenon that has now spawned a Netflix series “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo.”
The fundamental principles of the KonMari Method are- only having items in your home that spark joy and everything has a place. She has a specific way of folding and organising items in a way that it makes it easy to see what you have and what you need.
Her more unconventional techniques include “greeting the home” before beginning the tidying up process and thanking the items you are discarding, for their service.
I love that she brings spirituality and energy work to cleaning!
What would normally seem odd is entirely endearing; ie Marie sitting on her knees and silently communing with the energy of the house.
Knocking on books that haven’t been opened in a while, to “wake them up” is another of her quirky habits that I find charming.
Putting KonMari Into Practice In My Home!
The Surprising Results!
My friends would never describe me as a neat freak, I’m not sure they’d even use the term ‘neat’ on its own, but out of necessity, motherhood and aging have definitely made me more organized.
I’ve also come to appreciate how much more calming a clean and tidy home can feel.
However, keeping my home in order has felt like I’m always pushing ‘a giant boulder’ uphill.
Marie Kondo and her KonMari method of tidying up came to me at the perfect time. As a Law of Attraction manifestation teacher, this, in itself, is no surprise to me.
We moved house only 3 months ago and culled many of our belongings then, so it’s frustrating that, with nowhere near as much clutter as the folks Marie helps on her television show, I have still been feeling overwhelmed by what it takes to maintain our home.
My daughter is not yet 2 and loves to pull everything out of every drawer and cupboard. My son is 9 this year and prone to leaving his clothes lying around. Marie Kondo’s children are both under 3, at the time of writing this, so there go my excuses.
I’m inspired to see Marie, a parent to small children, able to be tidy while holding peaceful, gentle energy. Parents crave order and calm because it isn’t normally how we feel.
The 6 Miracles of The Marie Kondo Method of Tidying Up!
*Miracle 1
As a clairsentient, empath I could immediately feel the energetic difference in the areas to which I had applied the Kon Mari Method.
They felt lighter and of a higher vibration.
I became really excited because as a Law of Attraction teacher, I know the higher your energetic vibration, the faster and more successfully you can manifest your desires. For a full explanation see my post 5 Ways You can Raise Your Vibration And Manifest Success Right Now!
*Miracle 2
Being 9, my son was able to participate in applying the KonMari Method to his room. He has always had a real sense of his own style so choosing clothing that sparked joy, and letting go of those that didn’t, was remarkably easy for him. Likewise his toys and PlayStation 4 Slim 1TB Console
What has shocked me is the degree to which it has increased his enjoyment and pride in his room and the way in which he now takes ownership over keeping it tidy! My son has folded his clothes the KonMari way ever since, by himself with minimal prompting!
*Miracle 3
I am spending less. Now when I’m at the shopping mall, I automatically run purchases through the filter of “Does it spark joy?” and “Where will it live in our home?”
The notion of cluttering up my home with more stuff, unnecessarily, is unappealing and I am more conscious of the impact purchases will have within our house because they will need their own place.
*Miracle 4
Our home is warmer than it was before.
In an effort to make the house look cleaner I hadn’t displayed many nick nacks or decorations. Whilst working through our belongings, I found some photo frames of my late parent’s farm and tiny wooden horses that sparked joy. Placing them where we can see them has created a more homely feel to our house.
*Miracle 5
It now takes me half the time, if not less, to tidy my house.
I’ve felt so burdened by the amount of time I had to allocate to, and what I had to do, to keep my house in order, only for it to be messy again in a few hours.
I love my life, my family, my writing, spending time with friends. Those things thrill me.
Cleaning never did, but it seemed to be the job that took up most of my day.
My daughter has a wooden kitchen that she plays with, in our lounge room. That kitchen was, up until KonMari, the bane of my existence. As handy as it is, to be able to put all her toys in the cupboards and out of sight, as soon as I put them away she pulls them out.
Every day I have been drowning in a sea of plastic teddy bears, tiny plates and teacups, Mr. Men figurines, random crayons, and balls, so many balls.
After applying the KonMari method to Ella’s play areas, not only do I have a sense of peace from ridding the excess mess-making toys but, even when she’s pulled everything out, it takes me no time to pop it back in. Everything has a spot and there is no hidden chaos to play on my mind or lower my vibration.
*Miracle 6
Keeping my house in order no longer stresses me out!!
Maybe the greatest gift of all is that, in applying Marie Kondo’s method of tidying up, I am more relaxed than I have been in a long time, in body and mind.
All the household chores I needed to get done daily plus keeping on top of the mess without a real system, took time and attention from my daughter and my writing so I’ve been constantly harried, trying to get the boring stuff done to get to the good stuff.
Marie Kondo gives you back your good stuff and minimizes the time you have to spend on menial tasks. Yay! Much less stress is the best result!
Finally, our home really feels like a home. I hadn’t realized what was missing until I found it.
How KonMari Effects The Law of Attraction!
Higher vibration? Check!
Greater peace? Check!
Happier family?
Clearer mind?
Less stress?
More money through less spending?
A greater feeling of abundance through the increased appreciation of what you already own?
All boxes are ticked!
Congratulate yourself if you’ve come across the KonMari Method already, or even just now in this post, because that is the Law of Attraction responding to your desire for the things listed above.
Even better, once you have applied the life-changing magic of tidying up to your home with the KonMari method, you will have leveled up to an energy vibration and way of being which can’t help but engage the Law of Attraction to bring you the next tier of the dream life you wish to manifest.
For more tips on how you can manifest your dream life read my post How To Make 2019 Your Best Year Yet With The Law Of Attraction!
I’d love to hear your stories about how applying KonMari to your home has worked for you.
Have fun tidying!
Never thought I’d write that in a sentence and mean it.
This post was proofread by Grammarly
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