Are you seeing 11.11 on the clock?
All the time?!
Do you see 111 as well?
Yes? Then get excited! The Universe has big plans for you and here’s why!
The 11.11 Phenomenon
More and more people are becoming aware that the Universe is speaking to us. What was once knowledge reserved for the New Age community has now become part of mainstream vernacular. Thanks in large part to the undeniable experience that people are having, that of looking at the clock at exactly 11.11, so often it can’t be a coincidence.
If we want to pass that off as a fluke, the Universe makes it impossible by adding 111 to our field of vision and bombarding us with those numbers too.
As I was on my way home today, to write this post, about 11.11, a car in front of me had 111 on its number plate.
I took it as a sign I was on the right track and so should you!
The Literal Meaning of 11.11
There are many in the spiritual community that profess to know the Divine meaning of number sequences. The astrologers have a different opinion to the channellers or spiritual intuitives.
Doreen Virtue first introduced me to ‘Angel Numbers’ and their meaning when, more than 20 years ago, I started reading her books.
Her interpretation resonated as truth with me and I have followed the number guidance accordingly since.
In Angel Numbers
Doreen describes 111 as meaning
“An energetic gateway has opened for you, rapidly manifesting your thoughts into reality. Choose your thoughts wisely at this time, ensuring that they match your desires. Don’t put any energy into thinking about fears at all, lest you manifest them.” p47
My clairsentience affirms that 11.11 is an energetic portal. You’re not only being encouraged to stay the path but called to rise up, energetically and with your thoughts, to the highest vision of yourself. From that, you will be led to the life you dream of and to fulfilling your soul’s purpose.
The proof of this was illustrated again for me recently when a friends husband, who I would not describe as spiritual, though he has great integrity, confessed to seeing 11.11 daily for the last 10 years.
A pragmatic man, the fact that he had noticed and been unable to deny the occurrence spoke to the impact the phenomenon is having.
So why had he seen these numbers for 10 years?
The answer is twofold.
Working long hours in a security job, that wasn’t his passion, allowed his wife to stay home with their young son and be there for school pick up and drop offs of their daughter.
He often worked Christmas Eve, Boxing Day and New Year’s Eve, being underpaid and undervalued by his employer.
Why would the Universe keep encouraging him then with 11.11?
Little did he know that within a few years he would be offered the opportunity to be the on-site manager of the island community where he was working in security. Thanks to his honest, reliable nature and the genuine rapport he established with the residents.
A luxury waterfront unit came with the job and he and his wife now work together, no nights or weekends and definitely no public holidays.
The Universe can’t always explain what it has in store for you. If you are seeing 11.11 trust that you are on the right path and being supported.
It may take a few years for all the puzzle pieces to fall into place but it will be worth it!
11.11 is the Universe coaching and encouraging us to growth and greatness. It’s also a very clever and gentle way to open people to spirituality and the idea that there’s more to life than the 3 dimensional.
Whether you realize it or not, you are being guided and assisted. Even when things don’t come to pass as you had hoped, trust that it’s in your best interests that it didn’t.
I’ve experienced that so often I don’t worry at all now about “rejection”.
There have been jobs I didn’t get that resulted in being hired by the best boss I ever had. Houses I applied to rent, unsuccessfully, and later on, I was grateful for not having moved. Even more recently, a blog post I submitted to a larger site, as a guest post, wasn’t picked up. It is now one of my biggest sources of traffic and I’m so glad I didn’t get to give it away.
We don’t always know the best course of action for ourselves but the Universe does. If you are seeing 11.11 you are on the right path! Keep the faith, hold yourself to the highest vision of yourself and keep taking steps to where you want to go.
If you want to be even more proactive in manifesting your dreams, with the Universes help, you can engage the Law of Attraction as I did to create my soulmate relationship, financial freedom and more. Check out my blog post How I Manifested My Dream Life With The Law of Attraction! or How To Make 2019 Your Best Year Yet With The Law of Attraction!
For more on number sequences and messages from the Universe, you can read 6 Signs From The Universe And How To Decipher The Messages! and 3 High Fives From the Universe and 3 Signs You’re Off Track!
Just in case anyone still isn’t convinced, I was looking up a word on google on my phone as I edit this post.
Lo and behold:
Honestly, I did not set an alarm to capture that! I don’t need to, it really is that prevalent, powerful and meaningful.
So do a little happy dance for yourself every time you see 11.11!
I just did a little sit-down shimmy at my desk!
By the way, if you’re wondering about my screensaver, it’s a Digital Vision Board. I use it to set my intentions and manifest my next series of goals. To find out how to make one for yourself and become a manifestation sensation, I walk you through it in How To Create A Powerful Digital Vision Board!
Happy Manifesting!
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