I get, literally, giddy with excitement flying over the aqua waters and lush green mountains, that signifies you’ve arrived in the Whitsundays Islands. There’s only one island though that I’m headed for.
As soon as I step off the plane at Hamilton Island Airport, my soul sighs with relief and joy.
’I’m home’ my heart sings.
I ‘accidentally’ found my spiritual home in my early 20’s. Escaping unrequited love, I followed a friend who had lined up a job on ’Hammo’. Within days I was having powerful transcendental, life-changing spiritual experiences.
I was filled with high vibrational energy. The feeling was pure love and as though I’d been given extra batteries! I could’ve run a marathon and everything I said or did felt exactly right. In my mind, when I wasn’t working or talking to someone, I was unable to hold any other thought but “Love, love, love.” Not the least bit frightening, I felt pure joy and Oneness.
Though it faded after a few days, it would return sporadically whilst I was on the island. By the time I left Hammo, I was profoundly changed.
I’ve had many such experiences in my life since. Moments of Grace. For the most part, they can’t be predicted. Except for the fact that I know when I go to my island, I will, without doubt, experience some form of heightened Divine connection. Every time.

We all have a spiritual home and, not only finding it but going there, is imperative to our soul’s growth and our spiritual awakening!
A young Australian guy I worked with was drawn to Canada. He’d lived and worked there once before and when he returned home felt the call and the pull to go back. The way his eyes lit up and his voice became rich as he spoke of Canada made it obvious that this was a place, not just of significance but of soulebration for him.
Luckless in love on the Gold Coast, my intuition told me he would find love when he returned to Canada and that it was his spiritual home. He’s still over there building a business and life with his boyfriend and has never looked happier. As he isn’t particularly spiritual, he may not have the transcendent experiences I did, or that you would, but he’s been transformed at a soul level nonetheless.
Do you know where your spiritual home is? Do you have a place that you long to visit or return to? Not just with eagerness for a holiday or to sightsee, but with a deep stirring longing?

Many deeply spiritual people struggle with meditation and find it difficult to connect to or visualize white light. If that’s you, find your spiritual home! Your connection to your intuition, higher self and Source will be heightened there. To have a spiritual awakening, at least visit, if living there is not an option. When you are in the right place, you will feel Divine energy!
I lived on Hamilton Island on and off throughout my 20’s and early 30’s. I visit most years and intend to live there again. Each time I learn something vital to my growth. Every single time I have spiritual experiences, moments of complete Grace and Oneness.
I am closer to the Divine within myself and within the world when I’m there.

I lost both my parents to cancer, first my mother then just over a year later, my dad. Pushed to the limit of my resilience, and needing the added energy the island gives me, I had to go to Hammo to get through that time and process my grief.
On the outside, it is a vacation resort but energetically it is so much more.
The Whitsundays is part of an energetic portal that vibrates at a higher frequency than other places on earth. There are more; Uluru, the Hawaiian Islands, Machu Picchu, and others. Some aren’t well known, you have to visit to feel their special energy.
Your spiritual home is unique to you. It may be a place from your childhood or that you were connected to in a past life. Alternatively, it could be a place that the Universe has picked for you, where it needs you to be.
If you are having trouble intuiting where yours might be, close your eyes and run your hand over an atlas. When you feel warmth stop and put your finger on the place where the warm feeling was. Open your eyes and see if the place resonates. Do this a few times and make a list of all the places that you stop on. Then pick the one that you get the most excited about visiting.
Do you long for confirmation of the Divine? Is your soul in need of rejuvenation, your heart in need of healing and your mind craving clarity and calm? If so, you owe it to yourself to take a trip to the place you know your soul sings for.
Trust that what you spend monetarily will be returned to you as your personal vibration will be raised by the visit. From that, the Law of Attraction will bring you more abundance, happiness, and success. If you are new to the LOA check out my post How I Manifested My Dream Life With The Law of Attraction!
Visiting your spiritual home is one of the best things you can do if you are wanting to engage the Law of Attraction and manifest your goals and dreams.
Celebrities Have Them Too!
Listen for reverence, in conversation, reserved only for a particular spot and you will find a really simple way to know where anyone’s spiritual home is.
Like George Clooney, Chrissy Teigen says Lake Como, Italy, is her “special place”. Saying it is so “picturesque and so quiet”. She was married to John Legend there and that’s where their video for John’s song “All of Me”, featuring Chrissy, was filmed.
Joe Jonas was quoted as saying that if he had one day left on earth, he would ski with his family in California’s Mammoth Mountain. He took his new fiance Sophie Turner there, from ‘Game of Thrones’ fame, to meet his parents. This speaks to the importance of the place for him.
Hawaii is renowned for it’s sacred Huna energy. It’s not surprising that people, like Oprah and author Gary Renard, feel drawn, again and again, to her islands.
Is it time for you to book a spiritual holiday?
Where is your soul’s home?
Leave a comment and let me know.
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