Signs From Spirit
Following the Breadcrumbs
I often liken the spiritual journey to learning to follow the breadcrumbs that the Universe leaves for you. They lead to your enlightenment.
When you are on track and in your flow, connected to Spirit and following the guidance, the next steps, teachers or book seem to magically appear.
I’ve been fortunate to have learned from some of the most amazing human beings on the planet.
Authors, coaches, musicians, friends, family, and acquaintances have all had a hand in my spiritual evolution. There is nothing that is not Divine and nothing God won’t use to help you.
Three inspirational and brilliant women and their work helped me manifest my soulmate. They feature in my book 5 Simple Steps to Manifesting Your Life Partner: Featuring the work of Marisa Peer, Alison Armstrong and Christie Marie Sheldon
Christie Marie Sheldon-
I credit Christie with helping me clear my blocks and limiting beliefs to be able to manifest love, abundance, being able to fall pregnant and have my daughter at 43 and find fulfillment in my dream career.
I took both of Christie’s courses “Love and Above” and “Unlimited Abundance” and continue to listen to the clearings and lessons to this day.
She is amazing, I can’t recommend her courses enough for those who feel they have blocks to receiving love or abundance. She also has some great videos on Youtube that you can watch for free.
I am not an affiliate of Christie’s, though I hope to be one day.
Alison Armstrong-
I’m not embaressed to admit I needed help in understanding men. I was guided to take action and do Alison’s course Crack the Code on Men with The Queen’s Code by Alison Armstrong!
I’m so glad I did! Her teachings helped me manifest my soulmate, by undoing some limiting beliefs I had about love and men. She also gave me the tools to create a loving relationship once my man had appeared. Her work continues to be a positive influence on my relationship.
Alison also offers courses on Understanding Women and courses for couples.
Marisa Peer-
I was lucky enough to come across a free webinar of the hypnotherapist, Marisa Peer’s that gave me a lightbulb moment.
It resulted in me putting post-it notes that said: “I AM ENOUGH” all over the house and digital alerts on my phone. The impact of these notes was profound and vital to me manifesting all the goodness that was to come.
She has written a number of inspirational books, including those that help readers with confidence building and weightloss.
The first books to ever make sense of life, Spirit and the Universe for me.
Deeply important, P’taah laid the foundation for all that I have become since and for that I am eternally grateful.
I consider the following authors my mentors. Their gifts have changed my life for the better and I consider them Lightworkers and heroes of humanity.
Some of the books below are part of a series, if so, please know I recommend all of the books within the series.