If you’ve been seeing 11:11 on the clock or another recurring number sequence, the Universe is trying to get your attention. Spiritual guidance is always available to us if we have the eyes to see, the ears to listen, or, more accurately, the intuition to receive it. These freshly channelled messages regarding the meaning of those numbers you’ve been seeing, animals that cross your path or dream visitors will help Spirit tailor specifically to you a way to communicate that you cannot misinterpret nor miss altogether. The language of the Universe is through symbology; learn the language and begin a conversation about healing, happiness, and hope.
Stunningly illustrated, Decoding the Universe features the symbolic meaning of more than 70 Totem Animals, the number sequences from 0 to 999, dreams, music, social media, and more. A Guidebook to the language of the Universe that will also help you develop your intuition to receive direct communication from Spirit.
Ideal as a coffee table book that will have all your guests talking, a paperback to use as a quick reference when a message appears or as an ebook, Decoding The Universe is a freshly channelled comprehensive catalogue that can transform your life for the better. Spiritual beings throughout the multiverses love and support you, and with the help of this book, you can finally be in a position to know and receive the help and encouragement on offer.
If you want to manifest love, this book is for you!
In the vein of inspirational bestsellers “Calling In the One” and “The Soulmate Secret” I take you on my real-life journey.
I was 40, single and losing hope of ever finding true love.
Before I threw in the towel, I decided to give it one last intentional go.
Within 18 months, I manifested the relationship of my dreams by using the Power of Intention and The Law of Attraction.
The best part is, you can too!!
Access the wisdom of some inspiring women: world-renowned hypnotherapist Marisa Peer, an expert in the field of understanding the differences between the genders, Alison Armstrong, and energetic healer Christie Marie Sheldon.
Marrying practicality with spirituality and a little magic, I take you through the 5 step process that completely transformed my love life.
Not only that, once you unblock your ability to manifest, you can draw anything to you!
I manifested confidence, self-love and $200k as well!
This is a book about dreams coming true, mine and yours!
If you are longing to be with “the One” or “the One that got away” 5 Simple Steps to Manifesting Your Life Partner is a must read.
It’s a book that you will read and then pass on to all your single friends so they too can find within it the yellow brick road to happily ever after.
“In the vicinity of Australia, I saw a mouse, a VERY BIG mouse!”, starts the book, ‘Boinga Boing’.
Is it a mouse? What else could it be? Can you guess?
Initially, I wrote it as a song in childhood. Sing along or read ” Boinga Boing” with your little one. Try to catch a glimpse of the main character as it jumps just out of view.
To hear my son sing the song, visit Julia Storm’s Amazon Author Page or Youtube channel.
It is set in Australia and beautifully illustrated in watercolour by Anna Kondratova. ‘Boinga Boing’ is a fun addition to any child’s library.